Day 15

Shooter Reconsideration

Right at the end of week 2, start of week 3 some other teams prototypes have caught our eyes, specifically once again from 7407. It seems like our design path fundamentally is very similar to them, and we have similar goals/design path.

They are doing a sandwich shooter which is different than what we posted, and generating spin by the wheels having longer contact time by being offset left or right to generate some spin. We originally dismissed this idea because we couldn't control our spin, but this seems to be getting much better shot range than our current prototype while still getting enough spin for the note to be stable.

One interesting thing that we saw as well is that the note was compressed by 2 inches before entering the shooter sideways in 7407’s prototype. We will have to test if this makes a difference.

The range is nice to be able to make our shot less parabolic and much more linear, which makes shooting reliably much easier. We also think that this gets better speed transfer as the compression of the wheels has more normal force when pushing against the note in this orientation to get better traction force and more energy transfer.

We had a big group meeting and decided we will revisit the sandwich shooter and make a new prototype to test performance. We still aren’t sure if we will switch from our current wheels on this sides, but will be evaluating this shooter archetype again over the next few days. Our current plan is to assemble and hopefully test tomorrow.

Design Review

We had a design review with our 2022 graduate Gavin S.

  • Cross members between triangley plates on shooter
  • sacrificial stuff on outside of elevator
  • figure out how to power the kicker in a way other than witchcraft
  • cog rolly polley robot (make sure weight is distributed so we don’t roll)
  • change top of shooter to cheesed aluminium
  • keep lexan material for intake plates



Belts and motor placed. Dead axle rollers completed.

Shooter Prototype

Made a quick and dirty prototype sideplate for testing shooter.