Online CAD

We made progress with the elevator rigging system, which is now almost complete. Next big steps for the elevator will be to include some way to power the shooter pivot as well as planning out where the energy chain will go.

Work was also started on the bumpers, the current plan is to use 1678 style bumper mounting all around but we’re keeping in mind that we may have to revert back to a gap-less mounting solution in front because of the very different extrusion height.

We also put more thought into the layout of electrical components and made some changes to the gussets.

CNC Progress

Swerve Drive Updates

At this point, the team has L1 ratios for the SDS MK4i modules that are deemed too slow for the 2024 season. We really want to drive fast this year, so we’ve been looking at how to upgrade the swerve modules. The L3 conversion kit has been out of stock since we started thinking about drive ratios, and the team has already purchased 16T pinion adapter kits. However, it’s looking like they won’t ship until the week of February 12th, which is much later than we’d like.

We considered methods of getting our hands on faster swerve drives (borrowing an L3 ratio from another team, machining our own top plate and using bigger gears from WCP, buying SwerveX modules) but are making the decision to deal with the slower module and switch when we can. This means we’ll have to basically redo our autos to accommodate the ratio change and our driver won’t have much time to practice driving at the higher speed, but we’d rather deal with these rather than deal with a sketchy drivetrain.