Early Observations

  • More reliable single motion of arm that is reliable
  • Fork balance is cool
    • Merged with their arm so its all one mechanism
  • Pivoting elevator

Behind The Bumpers

  • Thoughts from their Behind the Bumpers Segment.
  • Intake picks up both game pieces at same heights, reduces complexity with Software/driving
  • Shim Tape to reduce backlash
  • Reduces weight that needs to rotate because the weight is past the pivot point, so they only need to lift their Drive Train
  • No separate cone/cube mode, makes it simpler
  • Yoshi setpoint? (set for scoring in auto)

CAD Exploration

Drive Train

  • Same Swerve drive supplier as us ()


Chain driven wrist, big reduction, powered by Falcon 500. Need a big reduction to get the right amount of torque for the joint.

Slotted tensioner to keep tension

Additional plate for support of the sidewall for the pivoting, then you don’t damage the holes in the thin 2x1


  • Continuous elevator rigging for less ropes
  • Better CG with continuous because not all stages move at the same time.
  • Tube Plugs in end of Elevator

Bottom plate increased range of motion and lighter than normal 2x1 extrusion?

Pivoting Arm

  • Mechanically linked pivot
  • Gearboxes fit directly into shaft

Arm Tensioner, bolts go into block, tightening tightens the whole chain.


  • Dead axle system
  • Lighter than a full shaft across

Rigid metal part to maintain Center to Center Distance

3D printed plugs to flush mount tube extrusion