CacheCAD is a file management interface for Google Drive developed by Team 8096, Cache Money. We will be using it to upload and download each other’s changes when working on the robot.
Check out the CacheCAD Setup page for installation instructions if this is your first time using the program/are looking to add a new project.
To work on the robot after completing the setup steps:
- Open CacheCAD, double click on the “202x Robot” project and wait for it to load
- If there are files to download, click on “Download Changes” then “Download Changes” again
- Repeat Step 2 for the “4476 Parts Library” project
- Make and save any changes in SolidWorks, then get the changes approved by a mentor
- Open the “202x Robot” project in CacheCAD, there should be a number of files to upload
- Click on “Upload Changes”, deselect any files that you don’t want to upload to the main save copy, then click on “Upload Changes” again
- Congratulations, you have now contributed to the robot!