Build Season
title Build Season Timeline
axisFormat %d-%b
dateFormat MMM DD
section General
Kickoff: k, 01-06-2024, 1d
section Robot
Prototype: p, after k, 6d
Blocky Cad: b, after k, 6d
CAD Robot: c, after b, 22d
Manufacture Drive: m, after b, 2d
section Awards
Robot Handouts: d, after c, 2w
Week 1
Day 1 (Saturday)
- Read rules
- Basic section of kickoff worksheet
- Draft Priority lists
- xRC Simulator if it’s out
- Understand scale of field/game objects
- Get models of game elements as needed
Day 2 (Sunday)
- Detailed kickoff worksheet
- Points analysis
- Review and validate priority list
- Start Prototyping
Day 3-7 (During the Week)
- Get lessons learned from prototypes
- BlockyCAD
- Adjust priority lists as needed
- Adjust requirements as needed
- Develop a V1 real cad as needed
- Design concept internal reviews (2 per mech)
- Benchmark prototypes
Week 2
Day 8 (Saturday)
- Lock in robot mechanisms and general packaging
- Manufacture any v1 mechanisms
- Drive railsCAD done, baseplate in workable condition
- Purchase drive train stuff as needed
- Strategy review/robot design
- Flesh out blocky cad to real mechanisms
- Auto paths
Day 9 (Sunday)
- Make drive rails
- Start logic for robot code/building things for mechanisms
- Purchase hard to get/limited stuff we need/things we know we need
- Reviewing and benchmark any v1 mechs
Day 10-14 (Weekday)
- Assemble drive base (excluding base plate)
- 3 design internal reviews for each mech (involve non team affiliated people)
- Revise v1 mechs if big improvements need to be made
- Drive team comms/terminology
- Decide data we are scouting + start making scouting system adjustments
Week 3
Day 15 (Saturday)
- Big design review (internal)
- Prioritize tasks that are being Sponsor machined
- Strategy/meta/priority list review
- Solidify sensors review
- Solidify fasteners
- Solidify electrical routes
Day 16 (Sunday)
- External review
- Order sensors, fasteners
- Make and send out part drawings for Sponsor made parts (baseplate, gussets, sheet metal)
- Decide controls layout
- Order COTS that we know we need
- Bill of Materials
Day 17-21 (Weekday)
- Make drawings for internal manufacturing
- External reviews if available
- All hands on deck for assembly and manufacturing
- Layout framework in code for motors and sensors
- Paint as needed
- Start making bumpers
Week 4
Day 22 (Saturday)
- CAD “Finalized”
Day 23 (Sunday)
Day 24-28 (Weekday)
- Wire robot
- Test/Code mechanisms as able
Week 5
Day 29 (Saturday)
- Finish Wiring
- Test/Code mechanisms as able
Day 30 (Sunday)
Day 31-35 (Weekday)
- Tune all mechanisms
- Tune auto path following
- Practice driving
- Start robot design handout
- Benchmark mechanisms
- Start designing new revisions of mechanisms as needed
- Move to Kingston Robotics Lab
Week 6
Day 36-37 (Weekend)
- Create autos
- Practice
- Manufacture new revs as needed
- Benchmark mechs
Day 38-42 (Weekday)
- Practice
- Manufacture and design new revs as needed
- Improve autos
- Benchmark mechs
Week 7
Day 43-45 (Family day weekend)
- Robot road trip
- Practice
- Improve autos
- Manufacture and design new revs as needed
- Benchmark
Day 46-49 (Weekday)
- Practice
- Improve autos
- Manufacture and design new revs as needed
- Design handouts done
- Data validation done
- Benchmark
Rest of time
- Practice
- Improve autos
- Manufacture and design new revs as needed
- Benchmark