The team has an OMIO x8 CNC mill.

  1. Ensure the G-Code is ready [Creating G-Code]
  2. Use a laptop that has the programming all setup(insert laptop names here)
  3. Open the Mach3Mill program on the computer
    1. When opening, it will ask for a profile (Chose OMIO or WAFFLES)
    2. Then pick Normal Printer Port Operation
    3. Go to Settings and changes units from MM to Inch
    4. Click FileLoad G-Code and pick your file
  4. Determine what material is being used for the part(Aluminum, Lexan, Wood)
    1. Find an acceptable piece (scrap or new) that gives minimal waste
  5. Setup the material in the CNC
    1. If it is Aluminum tubing, place the tub jig on the machine bed
    2. If it is sheets, place the scrap MDF board on the machine and use double sided tape
    3. If needed predrill holes and screw down part to MDF
  6. Once the material is set, you must ZERO the CNC on the part
    1. The zero will always be the highest, closest, left corner(farthest corner from the CNC control unit)
    2. Adjust it as close as possible with the remote,
    3. then fine tune with the black knobs for each Axis
  7. Once the zeros are set. Perform a zero check
    1. Move the machine head away from the zero location in all 3 axis’s. Then press go to zero.
    2. STOP the machine if it appears it will crash.
    3. Observe a correct zero location
  8. Prepare for machining
    1. Move the machine head away from the zero. This allows you time to press stop if anything is wrong
    2. Ensure all 4 sides of the enclosure are on the machine
    3. Ensure the lubrication system is on if aluminum
    4. Ensure everyone is wearing safety glasses and hearing protection(if needed)
  9. Start Machining
    1. Press Cycle Start
    2. If at any point something is wrong, all options below will stop the machine
      1. Press Space Bar
      2. Stop on remote
      3. E-Stop on control unit
  10. Machining finished
    1. Ensure machine is completely stopped
    2. Turn off lubrication
    3. Move CNC head away from part
    4. Remove part from CNC
  11. Inspection
    1. Ensure the part looks like it should
    2. Mark the number with tape or a sharpie and return to mechanism tote