2019 Georgian Reflection

Awards General Print more handouts. Give handouts at the START of the questions More training with every award. More practice talking to judges for everyone. “Where are the WAFFLES?” sign Safety Fire Extinguisher placement (hang if possible) Print Cow safety pet picture Safety plan posted in pit in case of emergency Print off emergency contact list that is up to date Entrepreneurship Make sure people know the content of it Check to make sure the budget is on the handout Chairmans Practice more before the event, and much less during the event. Good feedback from other competing teams Print off feedback form so that we can get feedback Someone in charge of the USB key (giving and getting back) Robot Awards Need to talk about the code that we did. Robot performed very well! Not eligible due to EI Invite judges to practice field More robot info in pit people


Table bending (DON’T SIT) Takedown was much better Assembly was great Take more time to pack the trailer Keys for tool boxes and organizers New pit layout was better Sign out sheet/loaning was great! Make sure the joysticks are taken care of/treated better (Think about designing something for it) Hoodies/Coats removed. Too many people in the pit/sometimes need more people Knowing where people are that are supposed to be in the pit


We had a list that was more prepared. More students doing the scouting. Compare function is broken. There is probably other things that are broken so actually check them. Match predictions are broken Data Validation is broken Another training session for scouts People showing up early to reserve seats

Drive Team

Duncan S is overloaded with code stuff (Get more people coding RIGHT NOW with code improvements) Communicating places to score under defense changes. Hearing where we are trying to score (going to the right setpoint) More match review. Make more time to review the match plan. Great job of catching the hatches Cart organization was a bit better, could still do more. Knowing where there are game pieces to score Review the plan with alliance partners before the match Give Drive coach a copy of the plan BRING A FIELD DIAGRAM Yell louder Lineup with wall

Robot Code Auto clamping tuning Move elevator out of the way for vision. Continue to tune vision Drawer coming out bug for setpoints it doesn’t need to move. Double clicking clamp in auto bug IR detect, lift to level 1 cargo Indicator for clamping Check limiting on outake speed, probably remove it. When outtaking make the drawer go out to remove deadzone Try increasing drawer p so elevator can go down when driving forwards Set defaults for p vals When tracking get drawer out-ish and outtake. Electrical Make sure electrical works Order light controller Move where the lights are Label Check battery leeds Wire up climber Mechanical Design and test level 3 climber (probably a level 2 as well) Get new bolts for carriage Move brackets to other side of the carriage to prevent bending. Test increasing spring in hinges Test hook placement for hatch mechanism Fix hard stop for hatch mechanism Try to get torsion springs again. Intake pop fix thing Try bent lexan push thing for hatch Screws not getting caught on the hatch when driving away Fix sponsor panels Move air tank Replace/take off the front angle under the intake


Onematch posters were good Stuff organized in the pit to not the isle. BRING LESS STUFF. Keep isle seats as open as possible Food was great Keep priorities in mind